Daily Archives: October 14, 2011

The living room of your dreams presents itself to you!


Living before 1
This is what our living room looked like when my husband and I just bought the house back in Feb 2011.

Living before 2

Our living room was covered on 2 layers of wallpaper and never exposed treated hardwood floor.


Contemporary Black & Red living room!

The small details make the WHOLE difference so I will be talking about them in another post soon. Ranging accessories, shapes, textures, color and furniture is fun and very pleasant, specially when you see all of them combined and flowing though out the house.

Os pequenos detalhes fazem toda a diferenca, falarei sobre eles num post voltado para este assunto em breve. Decorar e’ prazeroso e divertido especialmente quando voce olha para os resultados das cores, objetos de decoracao, formas e moveis fluindo com o restante da casa.

I love the results even though I still have to take care of some details. Speaking of details, take a look at these 3 eye catching babies on the floor next to the wall, I picked the 3 colors I used in the rest of the room to add an extra “hey, look at me too”. Their round shape flows with the room although I used square shape for contrasts. Red is the sexy splash color, and white is like the little starts in the sky, special and delicate spots.

Amo os resultados embora eu ainda tenha que cuidar de alguns detalhes. Note aqueles 3 vasos chamativos no chao proximos a parede. Eu usei as mesmas cores as quais escolhi para trabalhar no restante da sala, e’ como se eles por si mesmos dissessem “Oi, eu estou aqui tambem!”. O formato arredondado deles flui com os demais detalhes e os outros formatos foram usados para dar um contraste, voce nao quer nada excessivo, pois tudo que e’ excessivo nao e’ bom. Vermelho e’ a cor de destaque e o branco e’ como se fosse pequenas entrelas no Ceu, um singelo detalhe.

There’s no limits for your creativity, so show it off! Let’s take this journey together and take care of the small and big changes that will influence your mood, your environment and even the way you see your house youself!

Feel free to comment and leave your opinion!


Filed under Reformas - Makeovers